To be recognized worldwide as a leader in the development and manufacture of industrial textile printing technology.

We invest in the growth and talent of our People, they are our greatest asset.
We value People who work as a team and are committed to complying with the ethical standards described in the company's code of conduct.
Diversity, inclusion, and empathy guide our day-to-day activities.
We seek to understand the needs and expectations of our customers, and we work passionately to exceed them, offering quality and reliable products and close after-sales service.
We implement Kaizen methodologies and tools, or continuous improvement, which allows us to be one step ahead of our competition.
We seek to eliminate waste and improve the flow of materials, reducing activities without added value, such as excessive stocks, non-conformities, waiting times, transport, excess production, and bureaucracy.
We look for innovative ideas that allow us to develop new products and improve production processes.
We value disruptive solutions that challenge the status quo and promote change.
We collaborate and work as a team with a focus on results, this is the only way to create value:
For our shareholders, with a commitment to building a better business; for our Clients, developing a portfolio of differentiating products and solutions; for our People, empowering them professionally and personally, promoting their well-being; for the Community, generating employment and local development.
Our teams carry out their work autonomously, in collaboration with the different areas of the organization, and with commitment and a Global Vision for the success of the business.
We promote initiative and proactivity in our teams and see change as an opportunity for innovation.
We communicate openly between all levels of the organization, we value interpersonal relationships and teamwork.
We are agile in our decision-making, developing robust action plans to implement sustainable actions and processes.
We lead with trust and integrity, with ethics and empathy.