
Dozens of ROQ Group employees contribute to an Association that Houses Children


As part of yet another initiative within the Group ROQ annual ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) program, we decided to help a local institution that supports and shelters children from the cradle to 18 years old.

The ASAS is an institution who aims to empower full-fledged citizens, protecting the most vulnerable groups in the community, especially children and young people, prioritizing a culture of prevention of abuse, providing services in different areas and developing integrated intervention programs.

Within this initiative and with the collaboration of several Group ROQ elements, we managed to raise products such as:
- Pajamas
- Watches
- Backpacks
- Toys
And many other garments and personal items of daily use

This way we've made our contribution for Christmas and New Year to be as happy and joyful as possible for over 30 babies and children.

As this year, next year, within Group ROQ ESG annual program, we will promote more initiatives to make the society in which we live a better place.

There is nothing better than helping others, to wish everyone a great year 2024.
Let's ROQ!